In arrivo una stangata per City e PSG?


Senior Member
28 Agosto 2012
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Praticamente il FFP è nato per far fare un mucchio di soldi alla Uefa :sisi:


Senior Member
27 Agosto 2012
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Insomma, 20 milioni all'anno, capirai... quattro cessi in rosa ce l'hanno entrambe quindi... forse soltanto il tetto salariale potrebbe dare qualche "grattacapo" ma bisognerebbe capire cosa si intende esattamente.

esatto...bisogna capire solo questo tetto salariale, ma purtroppo pare tutta una buffonata il FPF
28 Agosto 2012
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Non potranno avere un tetto salariale più alto di quello attuale
Significa che non posso acquistare nessun grande giocatore con maxi ingaggio, se non ne cedono un altro.
Ad esempio, per un Pogba che entra, un Lavezzi che esce
Per un Fernando che arriva, un Jovetic che parte


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6 Agosto 2012
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Il potere dei soldi: il Malaga squalificato e loro se la cavano con una multa

Il Re dell'Est

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14 Giugno 2013
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Per il City ecco cosa dice Sky Sport:

- una "multa" di 60 mln di euro, mediante il mancato pagamento di quota parte dei premi UEFA eventualmente spettanti per la partecipazione alle competizioni europee;
- la riduzione del numero di giocatori inseribili nelle liste UEFA dai normali 25 fino a 21 (o addirittura 18);
- divieto di incremento del costo della rosa che giocherà in Champions League ed un tetto al possibile aumento il prossimo anno;

Per il PSG invece si cita l'Equipe che riporta queste sanzioni:

- una "multa" di 60 mln di euro, mediante il mancato pagamento di quota parte dei premi UEFA eventualmente spettanti per la partecipazione alle competizioni europee;
- riduzione del numero di giocatori inseribili nelle liste UEFA dai normali 25 fino a 21;
- divieto di incremento del costo della rosa che giocherà in Champions League;
- divieto di schierare in CL più di un 1 giocatore acquistato nel calciomercato estivo.

A questo punto è probabile che City e PSG cedano qualche giocatore per abbassare il monte ingaggi.


Senior Member
29 Agosto 2012
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Dal sito dell'uefa:

Manchester City agrees to significantly limit spending in the transfer market for
seasons 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. Manchester City further accepts a calculated
limitation on the number of new registrations it may include within their “A” List
for the purposes of participation in UEFA competitions. This calculation is based
on the clubs net transfer position in each respective registration period covered by
this agreement.

Manchester City agrees to pay a total amount of EUR 60 Mio. which will be
withheld from any revenues it earns from participating in UEFA competitions
commencing in season 2013/14. Of this EUR 60 Mio. an amount of EUR 40 Mio.
will be withheld conditionally and will be returned to Manchester City if the club
fulfills the operational and financial measures agreed with the UEFA CFCB.

Quindi confermate la lista uefa ridotta, e la multa da 60 milioni

 PSG accepts that for the duration of the settlement it will be subject to a limitation
on the number of players that it may include on the “A” list for the purposes of
participation in UEFA competitions. Specifically, for season 2014/15 PSG may only
register a potential maximum of 21 players on the “A” list, instead of the potential
maximum of 25 as foreseen in the relevant competition regulations. If PSG
manages to comply with the break-even target the club shall gradually be released
from the restriction as regards the registration of players in UEFA club
 PSG agrees to significantly limit spending in the transfer market for seasons
2014/2015 and 2015/2016. PSG further accepts a calculated limitation on the
number of new registrations it may include within their “A” List for the purposes of
participation in UEFA competitions. This calculation is based on the clubs net
transfer position in each respective registration period covered by this agreement.
 PSG agrees to pay a total amount of EUR 60 Mio. which will be withheld from the
revenues it earns from participating in UEFA competitions commencing in season
2013/14. Of this EUR 60 Mio. an amount of EUR 40 Mio. will be withheld
conditionally and will be returned to PSG if the club fulfills the operational and
financial measures agreed with the UEFA CFCB.


28 Agosto 2012
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Dal sito dell'uefa:

Manchester City agrees to significantly limit spending in the transfer market for
seasons 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. Manchester City further accepts a calculated
limitation on the number of new registrations it may include within their “A” List
for the purposes of participation in UEFA competitions. This calculation is based
on the clubs net transfer position in each respective registration period covered by
this agreement.

Manchester City agrees to pay a total amount of EUR 60 Mio. which will be
withheld from any revenues it earns from participating in UEFA competitions
commencing in season 2013/14. Of this EUR 60 Mio. an amount of EUR 40 Mio.
will be withheld conditionally and will be returned to Manchester City if the club
fulfills the operational and financial measures agreed with the UEFA CFCB.

Quindi confermate la lista uefa ridotta, e la multa da 60 milioni

 PSG accepts that for the duration of the settlement it will be subject to a limitation
on the number of players that it may include on the “A” list for the purposes of
participation in UEFA competitions. Specifically, for season 2014/15 PSG may only
register a potential maximum of 21 players on the “A” list, instead of the potential
maximum of 25 as foreseen in the relevant competition regulations. If PSG
manages to comply with the break-even target the club shall gradually be released
from the restriction as regards the registration of players in UEFA club
 PSG agrees to significantly limit spending in the transfer market for seasons
2014/2015 and 2015/2016. PSG further accepts a calculated limitation on the
number of new registrations it may include within their “A” List for the purposes of
participation in UEFA competitions. This calculation is based on the clubs net
transfer position in each respective registration period covered by this agreement.
 PSG agrees to pay a total amount of EUR 60 Mio. which will be withheld from the
revenues it earns from participating in UEFA competitions commencing in season
2013/14. Of this EUR 60 Mio. an amount of EUR 40 Mio. will be withheld
conditionally and will be returned to PSG if the club fulfills the operational and
financial measures agreed with the UEFA CFCB.

Beh mi pare una bella botta.