Milan, non solo El Ghazi: nel mirino anche Ziyech del Twente.


Senior Member
16 Aprile 2015
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Ormai siamo andati dritti su El Ghazi, dubito vireremo su questo che a ben vedere sembra pure meglio.

Poi francamente li prenderei entrambi, speriamo uno adesso e l'altro in estate.

eh magari!! via cerci, elsha e honda. Dentro el ghazi e ziech. Sarebbe un sogno. Questo significa programmare, senza spendere cifre folli. Il problema è fester.


29 Agosto 2012
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Queste sono scommesse ed incognite in tutti i sensi. A noi servirebbero più che mai certezze, certo se proprio non ci stanno alternative tanto vale provare questi ragazzini.

non sono d'accordo, meglio questi che campioni a fine carriera che hanno gia dato tanto


22 Giugno 2014
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Comunque paragonare El Ghazi a Ziyech è come paragonare il fango al cioccolato.
Ziyech è un'altro mondo e vale ogni centesimo.Cagazi sarebbe l'ennesima stecca a Raiola ed amici


27 Agosto 2012
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si ma tra dire "el ghazi mi piace" e fare un proposta ufficiale ce ne passa e conoscendo il gallo, non ci sarà nessuna offerta per el ghazi, ne tanto meno per Ziyech, tutto fumo niente arrosto.. purtroppo

Raiola potrebbe star già trattando per conto nostro, vedi Robinho


New member
18 Gennaio 2016
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Dutch Milan fan here. Great forum, I often come here to read about Milan.

I am very surprised about what people who likely never watch Eridivisie are writing about Ziyech & El Ghazi.
Ziyech is the one to go for. He is more mature, proven & ready than El Ghazi at this point. He is probably one of the 2-3 best player in the Eridivisie at this moment in time. Amazing vision, he's versatile, tricky player who works for the team. He is Twente's captain, carrying Twente on his back and without him they would have been relegated no doubt. They are in a very big crisis and it would be a good time to buy Ziyech. El Ghazi is also very, very talented, but for him it'd be the best if he stays at Ajax a bit more. He's not ready to come to Milan and start being a key player like some Milan fans think, he is quite inconsistent. But like I said he's also a great talent, but Ziyech is ahead of him at the moment, and as a Milan fan I know what the team needs and Ziyech is a better fit.
20 Giugno 2015
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Ma che piedini educati...non credo che verrà da noi però: sarebbe operazione intelligente.
7 Novembre 2015
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Dutch Milan fan here. Great forum, I often come here to read about Milan.

I am very surprised about what people who likely never watch Eridivisie are writing about Ziyech & El Ghazi.
Ziyech is the one to go for. He is more mature, proven & ready than El Ghazi at this point. He is probably one of the 2-3 best player in the Eridivisie at this moment in time. Amazing vision, he's versatile, tricky player who works for the team. He is Twente's captain, carrying Twente on his back and without him they would have been relegated no doubt. They are in a very big crisis and it would be a good time to buy Ziyech. El Ghazi is also very, very talented, but for him it'd be the best if he stays at Ajax a bit more. He's not ready to come to Milan and start being a key player like some Milan fans think, he is quite inconsistent. But like I said he's also a great talent, but Ziyech is ahead of him at the moment, and as a Milan fan I know what the team needs and Ziyech is a better fit.

Hey Dutch! Nice to have you here and thanks a lot for your message full of information. Personally I neither follow Eridivise nor I know the two players we are mentioning on this forum, for this reason I will trust you!
Believe me when I tell you that in the rare case we have some cash available, Galliani will buy the one who has the "best" procurator. Unfortunately here in Italy everybody knows that our CEO is not interested in doing the best for the team but just in grabbing all the money he can before being (hopefully) chased by the new President.
Cheers to you and please write whatever you want to say, it's nice to have Milan supporters from abroad expressing their point of view
20 Giugno 2015
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Dutch Milan fan here. Great forum, I often come here to read about Milan.

I am very surprised about what people who likely never watch Eridivisie are writing about Ziyech & El Ghazi.
Ziyech is the one to go for. He is more mature, proven & ready than El Ghazi at this point. He is probably one of the 2-3 best player in the Eridivisie at this moment in time. Amazing vision, he's versatile, tricky player who works for the team. He is Twente's captain, carrying Twente on his back and without him they would have been relegated no doubt. They are in a very big crisis and it would be a good time to buy Ziyech. El Ghazi is also very, very talented, but for him it'd be the best if he stays at Ajax a bit more. He's not ready to come to Milan and start being a key player like some Milan fans think, he is quite inconsistent. But like I said he's also a great talent, but Ziyech is ahead of him at the moment, and as a Milan fan I know what the team needs and Ziyech is a better fit.

Hi friend, please: send one tweet to Galliani!!!